A group of Commedia masks in process
Puppets for "Letters From Lithuania" in process
I have been designing puppets for many years, for a variety of companies including Axis Theatre and Mortal Coil Performance, both of Vancouver. I have also created puppets and masks for a number of shows for Mortal Coil Performance, including "Letters From Lithuania" (with the wonderful puppet maker Tamara Unroe) "Salmon Row" and "The Faerie Play" at the Sharing Farm in Richmond B.C.
Working with Axis Theatre I designed and built the puppets for the acclaimed children’s show "The Little Old Man" based on the book by Barbro Lindgren. These were nominated for a Jessie (The Vancouver Theater Award). The Mr. Hatch puppet I designed and built, along with Barbara Clayed who made his costume, for Axis Theatre's show "Somebody Loves You Mr. Hatch" won us a Jessie Design Award.
I was also one of the designers and builders on the 12 foot puppet "Meh" for Mortal Coil Performance in partnership with Tsatsu Stalqayu (Coastal Wolfpack).
During the pandemic I have once again been collaborating with Barbara Clayden on the puppets and masks for Axis Theatre's co-production with Mortal Coil Performance in the upcoming show, "Cry, Heart, But Never Break", based on the book by Glenn Ringtved.
I continue to make a variety of masks and puppets for Mortal Coil Performance in partnership with Tsatsu Stalqayu (Coastal Wolfpack).
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My work as a mask maker has offered me the opportunity to work with many talented performers, teachers and other artists including Donato Sartori in Padua, Italy, who taught me the art of leather mask making.
Theatre educators in Canada, Australia, France, Switzerland, U.S.A and England work with my masks. Theatre training programs where my masks have been used or are being used include University of British Columbia, University of Victoria; Arts Umbrella; University of Alberta; Red Deer College; Douglas College; London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art and The Royal Academy of Dramatic Art both of London, England; and Victoria College of the Arts in Melbourne, Australia. My masks are also in numerous private collections.
As a puppet maker I have been designing puppets for over 25 years for a variety of companies including Axis Theatre and Mortal Coil Performance Society, both of Vancouver. My puppets for the acclaimed children’s show The Little Old Man were nominated for a Jessie Richardson Award. I have worked on different shows for Mortal Coil, including Letters From Lithuania, where I was lucky to work alongside Tamara Unroe, a wonderful puppet maker who taught me lots and more recently The Fairy Play at the Sharing Farm in Richmond. Recently for Axis Theatre I designed and built the puppet for their show Somebody Loves You Mr. Hatch.
Axis theatre is an entertaining, smart and inspirational company focused on engaging young and young-at-heart audiences.
Mortal Coil Performance Society is dedicated to creating imaginative theatre and spectacle for audiences young and old.
The focus of the work at Fantastic Space Enterprises is on developing high levels of performance awareness and an increased freedom with creative expression and play.
Vamos Theatre is the UK's leading full mask theatre company, taking its funny and fearless brand of wordless theatre across the length and breadth of the country and beyond since 2006.
Blind Summit is a London-based, internationally touring producer of puppet-based theatre.
Based in Cape Town, South Africa, the company provides an artistic home and professional base for a core group of performers, designers, theatre artists and technicians.
The Old Trout Puppet Workshop is a motley gang of artists churning out ideas for a whole heap of unlikely things.
The Canadian Academy of Mask and Puppetry (CAMP) is an organization that is bound to the advancement of education concerning the creation and performance of mask and puppetry related art.
We believe that masks are as universal
as they are ingenious inventions of man and
inseparably linked to theatre and our search for ourselves.
Little Angel has used puppetry to create and share inspiring stories since opening its doors in 1961. We are committed to pushing the boundaries of what puppetry can be, whilst preserving its heritage.
Tim is an award-winning projection designer, photographer and videographer who has used the projection of imagery as an element of the set design in over 100 designs for theatre, opera and dance.